Tailored solutions for any kind of challenge
In order to navigate complex environments and make informed choices, customized ad-hoc decision models that match your specific business needs are a must. At LECA, we are dedicated to developing specialized decision-making frameworks by leveraging both your data and our expertise, putting together relevant KPIs that lead to actionable insights. These models play a pivotal role in building the path to success for your business, easing otherwise daunting decisions
Each situation poses different challenges
Make complex decisions easy with our ad-hoc models
Keep the model within your scope
Most decision models are crowded with noise. Accurately determinining the scope requires a clear understanding of the specific problem or opportunity
Expertise required is often unavailable
Crafting the right model demands very specific expertise: business, data analytics, statistical modeling... which can be a challenge to assemble
Coordination is difficult to achieve
In order to create an effective model, communication and collaboration among project stakeholders is crucial. Trust us to make it work
Understand the impact of each assumption
Analyze the sensitivity of key assumptions to foresee the possible outcomes of each decision, as unexpected changes can be costly
Use available data carefully
Evaluate the quality of data available and its associated risks. We understand healthcare data sources and their weaknesses, and we know how to use them appropriately
Context matters most in healthcare
Leverage our understanding of the multi-layered, highly complex healthcare sector. Our team includes experts in both prescription and OTC markets, hospital and retail pharmacies, and access to payers
What LECA brings to the table
A commitment to approach every project as unique. Each problem requires a tailor-made solution, and we are not willing to take shortcuts about it
Ample experience building ad-hoc decision models for different purposes and companies
Powerful tools and methodologies to make sure our models run smoothly and provide decisive insights for the decision-making process
Deep understanding of the data sources available in order to find the best solution for each case