Turn your organization around to maximize future opportunities

An organizational turnaround has a very wide scope, since it impacts people,processes, responsibilities and technology. Its goal is to implement changes that make the company more efficient and maximize market opportunities

A profound turnaround could be the solution to ending a period of poor performance, facilitating the transition into a new one full of growth and financial recovery. However, it could also be a brilliant move during prosperous times, in order to maximize current profits or gain an even better position in the future market

Are you going in the right direction?

Redirect your efforts towards success

Initial assesment

It is crucial to understand our starting point, align our views on the future, and detect gaps between both visions. That will produce a list of changes we would like to make

Design the desired organization

Ideally, changes must improve coordination, collaboration and client focus, and they should clarify the responsiblities of each role

Set priorities

When prioritizing the desired changes, we must take into account not only their importance, but also the resources, budget and time required to implement them

Improve complex processes

Mapping the activities with the key stakeholders involved will help to identify which need to be eliminated, simplified, automated, clarified, or communicated

Expect some resistance to change

We should identify cultural barriers and anticipate a certain degree of resistance to change. Also, we should carefully consider the risks of recommended changes and appoint change champions

Convey the right message

Being able to communicate messages in an appropriate manner is one of the key aspects of a successful organizational turnaround

What LECA brings to the table

Strong analytical capabilities and solid industry expertise to make an accurate diagnosis and plan steps for change

Experience and robust methodologies perfect for this type of project, so our clients feel confident about making any pivotal changes 

A different approach: future-back thinking. We begin by trying to envision the future market and how we need to adapt in order to be able to thrive in it, and we work back from there

A deep understanding of the fact that any change has a ripple effect in an organization, so we need to evaluate them carefully

Let's talk about the organizational turnaround that you need

We will listen to your case and prepare a customized proposal for you, no strings attached