Maximize the return of your investments while improving customer experience

In the past, pharmaceutical companies used representatives as the only channel to engage with doctors and promote their products. As access restrictions increased and technology changed the old paradigm, new channels emerged offering them innovative alternatives to connect with their clients.

 At present, being able to deliver a consistent customer experience across all touchpoints in a seamless manner, constitutes a challenging journey. Let us help you navigate this complex environment by coming up with the optimal omnichannel strategy

Trust LECA to help you design, execute and optimize your omnichannel strategy

An effective omnichannel strategy requires a clear vision

A single view of the customer

Nowadays customers are hopping from one channel to another, so being able to track their activity in order to get a holistic view of their profile and behavior becomes crucial. Are you already collecting this information? That would be the first step to creating tailor-made strategies for each and every one of them

Evaluating the impact of each touchpoint

Understanding how each channel contributes to your overall success is vital. Having clear, measurable metrics will help you understand what is and isn't working and prevent wasting resources past the saturation point for each channel

Assessing the ROI per channel

In order to maximize your ROI, it is not only important to be able to really comprehend the role each channel plays in the overall customer experience, but also to build the utility curve and identify "the next best action"

Making a difference by personalizing your message

In an age where your doctors are bombarded with one-size-fits-all marketing messages, personalization can be your secret weapon. Create experiences that resonate with your customers on a deeper level by leveraging your knowledge of them

Optimization makes perfection

You created a personalized plan, executed it, and measured its success. Now it's time to take everything you’ve learned and use it to tweak and improve your strategy: test new ideas, stop what does not work and invest in what does

IT Systems and infrastructure

Building the necessary infrastructure is key to making this omnichannel ecosystem work.
Do you have the systems in place to store the necessary information and transform it into actionable insights that help you personalize your customer experiences?

What LECA brings to the table

Strong analytical capabilities to digest high volumes of data and generate actionable insights

Consultants with extensive experience in omnichannel strategy, who have worked with pharmaceutical companies with complex sales models, and have successfully implemented initiatives

Tools and methodologies to support the implementation of these initiatives

A clear strategic visionTechnology and innovation must be enablers of your omnichannel strategy

Let's talk about your omnichannel strategy

We will listen to your case and prepare a customized proposal for you, no strings attached