Riding the winds of transformation: the art of implementation and change management

Many initiatives fail due to implementation problems. Often some people in the organization opose to new ideas and become a resistance. The lack of a clear plan with a realistic calendar, the absence of well-defined responsibilities or the right people in charge could be also reasons for implementation to fail.   Finally and most important: the top management needs to be committed to the project. Otherwise it will be difficult for the organization to dedicate the necessary time and resources to make it happen

The world is in constant transformation

A strong organization must be capable of adapting to the environment

Climate of change

Convincing the whole organization and creating the conditions for a change of paradigm is the first step. Organizational change is a complex process even when the whole team is on board, let alone when they are not

Qualified change agents

Making sure everyone involved is briefed and well trained in what they need to do, so they can play their part in the process

Overseeing the implementation

It is fundamental to make sure all planned tasks are executed properly and on time. Making progress regularly visible to sponsors and setting targets and alarms on a dashboard could make the difference

"Continuous improvement" mindset

Although an organizational transformation takes place in a set time frame, we should never lose our desire to get better and keep improving our organization

Managers must be ambassadors

Developing and communicating an iniatiative is only a small part of the job. The secret to success relies on managers and their day-to-day push to make the initiative a reality

Managing cross-functional teams with other priorities

Often times in these types of projects, we face the challenge of making sure that people from different teams, who have their own goals, are invested in the process

What LECA brings to the table

We create solutions always keeping implementation in mind. Training materials and documentation must be easily understood and implemented

We monitor the agreed upon KPIs on a weekly/monthly basis to identify deviations and take any necessary actions. We give our best to guarantee the success of the implementation

Success breeds success. We always include success stories in our materials, sharing experiences and lessons learned 

We designate a Project Manager Officer within the organization to drive, maintain and reinforce the implementation. LECA will support them during the implementation phase

Let's talk about how to implement change in your organization

We will listen to your case and prepare a customized proposal for you, no strings attached